Benincasa hispida

Benincasa hispida Benincasa hispida Benincasa hispida

Benincasa hispida also known as Alu Puhul is a large trailing or climbing plant with stout, hispid stems, tendrils 2- fid. Leaves 10-25 cm in diameterreniform, cordate, , more or less 5- lobed, hispids beneath ; petioles 7.5 – 10 cm long without glands.Flowers larg , yellow, monoecious , solitary. Fruits 30-45 cm long, broadly cylindric, not ribbed, hairy,Ultimately covered with a waxy bloom. 

"Ash pumpkin is mainly water but it has many minerals in solution which gives it good medical value.It has a peculiar action on the circulatory system in that it rapidly stops haemorrhage. Hence it has Been found very useful in the treatment of haemorrhage from the alimentary canal.

The root of the puhul creeper with that Komadu (Which is also of the puhul family) made in toa paste By rubbing them on a stone can be applied on carbuncles. For severe burns a drink of puhul juice Mixed with Kitul jaggery is the first thing to be given to the patient. Puhul is also applied on the burntArea of the skin. The five parts of the lime tree , the leaf , bark, root, flower and the fruit ground to affine paste with lime juice is applied on the burnt surface of the skin . "Dr seela Fernando Herbal Food and Medicines in Sri Lanka"

Benincasa hispida is part of the catalog of ayurvedic medicinal plants of Sri Lanka.

Benincasa hispida Benincasa hispida Benincasa hispida

【LK94006650: Benincasa hispida. Text by Lakpura™. Images by Google, copyright(s) reserved by original authors.】

Medicinal Plants of Sri Lanka by Nandana Gunaratne and Jayamali Gunarathna


Medicinal Plants (Indigenous and Exotic) Used in Ceylon by Jayaweera

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