Ceylon Cinnamon Bark Oil

Ceylon Cinnamon Bark Oil Ceylon Cinnamon Bark Oil Ceylon Cinnamon Bark Oil

Cinnamon bark oil is obtained from the bark of the Cinnamomum zeylanicum tree. Cinnamon bark oil is quite rare with a delicate aroma and a sweet, pungent taste. Cinnamon bark oil has no less than 90 identified compounds and over 50 minute unidentified compounds. Our Cinnamon bark oil contains more than 60% Cinnamaldehyde. In Ayurvedic medicine, cinnamon bark is used as an antiemetic, antidiarrheal, anti-flatulence, and a general stimulant. Today, cinnamon bark oil has been proven to naturally; lower cholesterol, kill bacteria, heal wounds, control blood sugar levels and relieve stomach flu caused by harmful bacteria like Salmonella. Perfect for aroma therapy and food flavoring. A scent that is so exotic it is used as the base for many World famous French perfumes.

Ceylon Cinnamon Bark Oil Ceylon Cinnamon Bark Oil Ceylon Cinnamon Bark Oil

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