
Lakpura LLC maintains the largest instantly bookable inventory of Sri Lanka based experiences. If you maintain a blog with active viewership, you have the opportunity to earn money using your content by promoting our experiences to your audiences.

How it works

You will be given a unique tracking code which identifies you on our system. Further, you will be given a unique discount code for your blog which gives your followers a 5% discount on any experience they purchase. For each purchase made using your unique discount code, you are also eligible for 5% of the total booking invoice.

The total incentive amount will be calculated at the end of each calendar month and will be debited to any account you prefer.

Our top affiliates

A Travellers Footsteps Blondearound the world bye:myself Reisjevrij Thefive Foot Traveler Vegan Travel

How to Join?

Please send us an e-mail at with the URL to your blog. We will review your blog and get back to you if your quality for this referral scheme.

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